Source code for GeoHealthCheck.plugins.check.checks

import sys
from owslib.etree import etree
from GeoHealthCheck.util import CONFIG
from GeoHealthCheck.plugin import Plugin
from GeoHealthCheck.check import Check
from html import escape

""" Contains basic Check classes for a Probe object."""

[docs]class HttpStatusNoError(Check): """ Checks if HTTP status code is not in the 400- or 500-range. """ NAME = 'HTTP status should not be errored' DESCRIPTION = 'Response should not contain a HTTP 400 or 500 range Error' def __init__(self): Check.__init__(self)
[docs] def perform(self): """Default check: Resource should at least give no error""" status = self.probe.response.status_code overall_status = status // 100 if overall_status in [4, 5]: self.set_result(False, 'HTTP Error status=%d' % status)
[docs]class HttpHasHeaderValue(Check): """ Checks if header exists and has given header value. See """ NAME = 'Has specific HTTP Header value' DESCRIPTION = 'HTTP response has specific HTTP Header value' PARAM_DEFS = { 'header_name': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'The HTTP header name', 'default': None, 'required': True, 'range': None }, 'header_value': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'The HTTP header value', 'default': None, 'required': True, 'range': None } } """Param defs""" def __init__(self): Check.__init__(self)
[docs] def perform(self): result = True msg = 'OK' name = self.get_param('header_name') value = self.get_param('header_value') headers = self.probe.response.headers if name not in headers: result = False msg = 'HTTP response has no header %s' % name elif headers[name] != value: result = False msg = 'HTTP response header %s has no value %s' % (name, value) self.set_result(result, msg)
[docs]class HttpHasContentType(HttpHasHeaderValue): """ Checks if HTTP response has content type. """ NAME = 'Has specific Content-Type' DESCRIPTION = 'HTTP response has specific Content-Type' PARAM_DEFS = Plugin.merge(HttpHasHeaderValue.PARAM_DEFS, { 'header_name': { 'value': 'content-type' } }) """Params defs for header content type.""" def __init__(self): HttpHasHeaderValue.__init__(self)
[docs] def perform(self): HttpHasHeaderValue.perform(self)
[docs]class HttpHasImageContentType(Check): """ Checks if HTTP response has image content type. """ NAME = 'HTTP response is image' DESCRIPTION = 'HTTP response has image/* Content-Type' def __init__(self): Check.__init__(self) """ Check if HTTP response has image/ ContentType header value """
[docs] def perform(self): result = True msg = 'OK' name = 'content-type' response = self.probe.response headers = response.headers if name not in headers: result = False msg = 'HTTP response has no header %s' % name elif 'image/' not in headers[name]: result = False msg = 'HTTP response header %s is not image type' % name if type(response.content) is str: rsp_str = response.content if len(rsp_str) > 256: rsp_str = rsp_str[-256:] msg += ' - error: ' + escape(rsp_str) self.set_result(result, msg)
[docs]class XmlParse(Check): """ Checks if HTTP response is valid XML. """ NAME = 'Valid XML response' DESCRIPTION = 'HTTP response contains valid XML' def __init__(self): Check.__init__(self)
[docs] def perform(self): try: etree.fromstring( self.probe.response.content, parser=etree.XMLParser(huge_tree=CONFIG['GHC_LARGE_XML'])) except Exception: self.set_result(False, str(sys.exc_info()))
[docs]class JsonParse(Check): """ Checks if HTTP response is valid JSON. """ NAME = 'Valid JSON response' DESCRIPTION = 'HTTP response contains valid JSON' def __init__(self): Check.__init__(self)
[docs] def perform(self): import json try: json.loads(self.probe.response.content) except Exception: self.set_result(False, str(sys.exc_info()))
[docs]class ContainsStrings(Check): """ Checks if HTTP response contains given strings (keywords). """ NAME = 'Response contains strings' DESCRIPTION = \ 'HTTP response contains all (comma-separated) strings specified' PARAM_DEFS = { 'strings': { 'type': 'stringlist', 'description': 'The string text(s) that should be contained \ in response (comma-separated)', 'default': None, 'required': True, 'range': None } } """Param defs""" def __init__(self): Check.__init__(self)
[docs] def perform(self): result = True msg = 'OK' for text in self.get_param('strings'): try: result = text in self.probe.response.text if result is False: msg = '%s not in response text' % text break except Exception: result = False msg = str(sys.exc_info()) break self.set_result(result, msg)
[docs]class NotContainsStrings(ContainsStrings): """ Checks if HTTP response NOT contains given strings (keywords). """ NAME = 'Response NOT contains strings' DESCRIPTION = """ HTTP response does not contain any of the (comma-separated) strings specified """ PARAM_DEFS = { 'strings': { 'type': 'stringlist', 'description': """The string text(s) that should NOT be contained in response (comma-separated)""", 'default': None, 'required': True, 'range': None } } """Param defs""" def __init__(self): ContainsStrings.__init__(self)
[docs] def perform(self): result = True msg = 'OK' for text in self.get_param('strings'): try: result = text not in self.probe.response.text if result is False: msg = '%s in response text' % text break except Exception: result = False msg = str(sys.exc_info()) break self.set_result(result, msg)
[docs]class NotContainsOwsException(NotContainsStrings): """ Checks if HTTP response NOT contains given OWS Exceptions. """ NAME = 'Response NOT contains OWS Exception' DESCRIPTION = 'HTTP response does not contain an OWS Exception' PARAM_DEFS = Plugin.merge(ContainsStrings.PARAM_DEFS, { 'strings': { 'value': ['ExceptionReport>', 'ServiceException>'] } }) """Param defs"""